Of Successful People


10 Behaviours Accreditation is for trainers, coaches, consultants, managers, and leaders who want to teach and coach others to be successful.

coaching ACCREDITATION – DELIVER COACHING and Learning Circles

For coaches, consultants, managers and leaders, a 10 Behaviours Coaching Accreditation enables you to deliver coaching and learning circles to individuals and small groups.

To qualify, you will need some prior coaching experience. You’ll also need to have attended a 10 Behaviours learning event and received some 10 Behaviours coaching yourself.

You attain accreditation by attending a 2-hour Zoom session with a Master Coach. All the coaching and learning circle resources you need are provided.

LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION – DELIVER Virtual Seminars, F2F Seminars, F2F Success Cafes, COACHING and Learning Circles

With Level 1 Accreditation you can deliver the virtual edition of the 10 Behaviours using meeting platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco WebEx.  As well as interactive virtual learning events, you will also be approved to offer F2F seminars, 1-day events, and coaching to individuals and small groups.

Level 1 Accreditation is delivered remotely using Zoom (5 1-hour sessions) and can be achieved within two weeks.

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Step 1 – Application

Apply to become Level 1 accredited using the form below.  Tell us about yourself, your previous experience, and your plans.

We will assess your application within 24 hours, and let you know the outcome.

For approved facilitators, we will contact you and agree the next steps.  We will also discuss commercial aspects such as accreditation costs, and the pricing of participant packs which you will need to run seminars and coaching.

Step 2 – Accreditation Prework

We will send you a reading pack and other resources to help you prepare for your upcoming accreditation learning sessions.  We estimate this will take 16 hours of work on your part.

Step 3 – Attend Accreditation

Accreditation involves your attendance and participation in five 1-hour Zoom learning sessions with a master facilitator.

These sessions are designed to teach how to best deliver the seminars, how to structure participant activities, and how to create powerful and engaging learning experiences.  We also learn about 10 Behaviours coaching and how to coach with impact.

Step 4 – Pre-Delivery Mentoring

Prior to your first learning delivery, you will have a 45-minute Zoom meeting with your master facilitator. This mentoring will help you with any last-minute questions you may have.

Step 5 – Post-Delivery Mentoring

After your first learning delivery, you will have a further 45-minute Zoom meeting with your master facilitator.  This is your opportunity to report on your success, extract lessons learned for the future, and to deal with any questions you may have.  We will also discuss upcoming coaching or learning circle sessions you have booked with participants.

Step 6 – On-going Support

As an accredited 10 Behaviours facilitator, you will have membership to our lively global community of like-minded professionals.  We share our experiences, learn from each other, and have fun together.


Building on your Level 1 Accreditation, you can attend a further three 1-hour Zoom sessions to train to deliver the F2F workshop programme.

During this training, we go “behind-the-scenes” to deconstruct our learning methodology and give you experience of preparing your own workshop delivery using our tools and processes.

The master facilitator will work with you to customise our learning design to suit your presentation and teaching style.  We will also provide you with constructive feedback for consideration.

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For trainers, coaches and consultants, becoming accredited to deliver 10 Behaviours programmes has several benefits:

Our programmes are based on extensive research conducted over 30 years of work with professionals of all kinds.  With thousands of programme participants, we know what works and what does not.  Learning that matters.

We know that your business success is critical.  That is why we make it affordable to become accredited with attractive pricing for participant materials.

You understand the unique needs of your clients.  And because the 10 Behaviours is flexible in delivery, you create a learning solution that is exactly right for your client.

The 10 Behaviours works well alongside other programmes.  The learning solution you create for clients could have design elements such as diagnostic tools, profiling and assessment, mentoring and coaching, and workplace-based learning.  The 10 Behaviours would complement these programmes.


When in-house trainers, coaches, managers, or leaders become accredited to deliver 10 Behaviours programmes there are many advantages for the organisation.

Deliver 10 Behaviours learning events in your organisation, when and where you want.

Fit the programme content to your exact needs, business strategy, and organisational culture.

Deliver to a work group, team, department, or entire organisation.

Magnify the power of the 10 Behaviours when colleagues attend together, share insights, and establish a common language for success.

Cost Effective
Using your own in-house facilitators and facilities is your best investment.


For information on accreditation, please provide your details using the form below and one of our team will contact you soon.