Of Successful People


Experience you can trust.

History & Research

In the early 90’s, our founder David Keane PhD, became fascinated by the idea of success and the study of successful people.  He spent five years studying the lives of ten successful senior managers and concluded that the most successful did not seem very busy in their day-to-day lives.  He discovered that success has more to do with what you don’t do, rather than activity and achieving things.

This critical finding led Dr Keane to extend his research to more closely understand the “mindset” of success and how this translates into daily behaviour.

For the next 25 years, Dr Keane read thousands of books in the subjects of psychology, the science of success, business self-help, and philosophy.  He also delivered small-group workshops and coaching programmes to a diverse range of people who wanted to achieve more success in their professional and personal lives.

This research, combined with insights gained from extensive coaching, led Dr Keane to see success in a new way.  He developed a unique framework model – The 10 Behaviours of Successful People – which is a holistic way of thinking about success in all aspects of life.

The 10 Behaviours are 10 deliberate strategies you can implement in your everyday life.  With careful and consistent application of these behaviours, you can drastically improve the quality of your work and personal life.  You become your best self, and your organisation gets the best you.

Dr Keane has shared his ideas about success with thousands of people and hundreds of organisations worldwide. He has developed a network of facilitators and coaches whom he has accredited to deliver the 10 Behaviours programme in various formats.

We work with corporate and government clients to enable them to gain Accreditation and deliver the 10 Behaviours in-house, using their own facilitators.

We have a worldwide network of Partners (independent consultants, trainers, and coaches) who make the 10 Behaviours solutions available to their clients.

The book and app

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Dr Keane’s book, The Art of Deliberate Success: The 10 Behaviours of Successful People, is published worldwide by John Wiley & Sons under the Jossey-Bass imprint.  The book is a bestseller and is now in its fifth printing. 

Each participant of the 10 Behaviours programme receives their own personal copy of Dr Keane’s book.  The book is an extensive resource and includes a detailed analysis of each of the 10 Behaviours along with recommendations for taking action and staying motivated.

All programme participants receive a unique activation code which unlocks the 10 Behaviours App (available on Apple and Google platforms).  The App contains an audio version of the book, along with a 100-question quiz where you can track your 10 Behaviours and measure your progress over time.


Results Achieved

Organisations who have implemented 10 Behaviours programmes, report:

  • More engagement and better staff wellbeing

  • Less stress in the workplace

  • A more productive work environment

  • Less focused on being busy, more focused on achieving results

  • Better talent retention

  • Stronger alignment between personal goals and organisational strategy

  • Teams working better together

  • More readiness for change

  • Reduced absenteeism, presenteeism, and staff turnover

Following the 10 Behaviours programme, I made some really positive changes that have made a big difference to both my work life and also at home.


“Knowing that everybody can be successful on their terms, fundamentally changes how you see the world.” 

            “I feel energised about the future knowing that I have choices and that I am the one who can make things happen. Thank you for showing me another way.”

“I wish I had been on this programme years ago. It has given me ways of thinking that has vastly improved my understanding of real success – I can use this knowledge to exert greater influence in my role on the management team.”

            “The best thing about the 10 Behaviours is that it can be applied to anyone regardless of their position and experience.”

            “One of the best professional development programmes I have attended. The content was professionally presented and extremely easy to understand.” 

"The 10 Behaviours was fantastic. It was a really good use of tools, but what I found the best, was the way they all tie together.”

Attend a public 10 Behaviours event.